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My Rapist Ex was a Porn Addict, Tried to Force me to Do Porn

I'm going to have to hide this from my profile but I had to get it off my chest somewhere. My ex (M24) was a porn addict. He hung out with a lot of amateur creators: "cosplayers" who posted nude content and sold their photos to guys, girls with onlyfans accounts. He tried to groom me into being part of what they were doing. I don't know who needs to hear this, but this is how grooming works:
  1. Putting you down
  2. Normalizing the industry and porn itself
  3. Equating selling yourself with "confidence"
  4. Building up people who make porn
  5. Only encouraging you when you suffer for them
  6. Teach you that sex happens when they want it
  7. Physical abuse
It started with him blowing up photos of the girls he knew on his big screen, showing me what they did and telling me I should do it with them. If I said no he would put me down or accuse me if being a horrible person who doesn't support other women. What kind of feminist doesn't support sex workers?
He watched and showed me more and more porn until I just got so bored of it I could look at the most brutal things without even caring anymore. The trauma only came later. Remembering those images and thinking of those poor girls.
He and his friends kept telling me how they "used to be" (insert negative quality here: shy, timid, self hating) like me, but then they started posting lingerie photos and nudes and it made them feel "confident" Money? Who needs money? They would do it for free. It made them feel confident and special and amazing! I was trash, a loser, a waste of oxygen, but if I posed for nudes with them I could feel special too!
I was constantly told why I "couldn't" sell myself like they could. Men prefer skinny girls. Men prefer white girls. Men prefer bigger boobs. I should work out more. I should eat less. I should get surgery upon surgery. I should bleach my hair and wear contact lenses, and paint my skin white. I should wear sexier cosplays and outfits. I was praised, by all of them, when I did things like that. They would go to the gym with me and be super supportive. Warm, super close, best friend types. Call me all the time. Talk to me constantly. I didn't have time to think for myself.
There were crises too. If I had to be at a family event or hang out with other friends, they needed me. They'd call me or message me in the middle of the night and it kept me up. I was tired all the time. So tired and so isolated that what they were saying started to make sense. They said it so many times I thought they were my own thoughts. Wanting to wear full outfits was "weird and lonely and loserish". Taking half naked photos was "sexy hot confidence"
Who knows how many fans and followers they had that all started following me, so I felt popular too. I felt loved and special... But ONLY if I agreed with them. If I disagreed, with anything, I was shut out.
I thought my "BF" was just quirky and "liberated", that I was progressive and special. People are swingers, people are in poly relationships, it's not even weird! It wasn't like he was asking me to do crazy stuff.
Except he didn't take no for an answer. He would literally beg me to have sex with him when I didn't want to. It didn't matter what I wanted. At first it was just little stuff like refusing to change position wjej I was in pain or going harder when I asked him to slow down. But it got worse.
And I wasn't allowed to be "possessive" either. He'd spend an entire weekend with someone else and want to sleep with me right after. He'd swear they were "just friends" or he was just "helping her take photos for onlyfans" Although I should keep in mind that she was prettier than me because she's "the kind of girl men prefer"
But I could be like her! I could be everything he wanted. He didn't want a traditional relationship YET but if I could become exactly what he wanted...
Then it progressed to sexual assault. He slept with a couple of other girls over a weekend and I found them all talking about it on social. I called him out on it and broke it off with him. He came to my house on the pretense of "talking it out" and started begging for sex and telling me he needed it, and when I said no he forced me. Then said it was my fault for wearing the outfit I was wearing.
My closet was full of outfits I didn't want to wear because eventually they were supposed to make me "confident". I said a lot of things to placate him which he recorded, "in case I accuse him of anything"
He released videos of us having sex on multiple porn sites, labeling them everything from "revenge porn" "teaching a feminist a lesson" "ethnic girls love white dick" "teen fucks stepbrother" (I'm 32, I was 30 at the time, and we are not related in any way) and because of what he recorded the police refused to charge him and some of the porn sites refused to take down the videos.
I lost my job and some family disowned me. People made tons of false accusations about me.
I think a lot of people decide its better to just go along with it and pretend they have power than admit that this life was forced on them. A lot of people go through what happened to me and it ruins their life. One girl here even made the news after being recorded against her will, kicked out of school because she was wearing a school hoodie, and harassed at home and at work until she lost all hope of getting any job because of men online who stalked her location and profiles. Her life will never be normal again. I hope mine will.
Porn isn't innocent. The industry turns on being able to entice and force young people into putting themselves at serious risk of sti's, sexual abuse, physical assault, addiction, affliction, stalking. It's a fear culture that destroys lives. And it preys on people who are financially desperate, lonely, or just scared. Porn isnt exclusive of prostitution. You don't just point a camera at prostitution and it suddenly becomes something else.
Nobody "does porn". Half the time you get a casting call for a modelling/acting job you don't know is porn until you get there. That's happened to me many times as a model/actor and I've always said no. But some people feel terrified or pressured, or they say yes not realizing what can happen.
Sorry for venting here but I dont see many posts, even on feminist blogs, from the other side. People are forcibly addicted, threatened, assaulted. And on the other side, wives and girlfriends are taught not to advocate against these abuses because girls who do porn are more special/confident/attractive than they are.
They don't actually believe that. They just want you to feel desperate so they can exploit you too. I'm still healing from the trauma and trying to remember what confidence used to mean before he taught me my body and what I could do with it was 100% of everything. They wanted me broken and I broke the wrong way. Now I'm obsessed with fashion and love wearing layers upon layers of clothes. The man I'm dating now has helped me a lot since he's also a victim.
Please don't let anyone make you feel like you are less than porn. And I hope more people start advocating against unregulated "found porn" sites.
submitted by catniagara to PornFreeRelationships [link] [comments]

Notes and Highlights of Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear’s Live Update February 4, 2021

Notes and Highlights of Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear’s Live Update February 4, 2021
Notes by mr_tyler_durden and Daily Update Team
Watch here:
  1. It's a new partnership with the Kentucky Chamber of Commerce that's going to help us build a better Kentucky, one with a stronger post-COVID economy and good paying career opportunities for our state's residents. The new partnership is called the Discover Kentucky Initiative, and it will grow European company investment and jobs in our Commonwealth.
Full Notes
(continued in stickied comment)
submitted by mr_tyler_durden to Coronavirus_KY [link] [comments]

Notes and Highlights of Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear’s Live Update January 27, 2021

Notes and Highlights of Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear’s Live Update January 27, 2021
Notes by mr_tyler_durden and Daily Update Team
Watch here:
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(continued in stickied comment)
submitted by mr_tyler_durden to Coronavirus_KY [link] [comments]

Notes and Highlights of Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear’s Live Update January 14, 2021

Notes and Highlights of Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear’s Live Update January 14, 2021
Notes by mr_tyler_durden and Daily Update Team
Watch here:
* So Walgreens \[...\] completed 72 clinics at individual licensed facilities and that included 3,512 residents and 2,059 staff as well, as they have 23 licensed facilities left to go for their first dose. \[..,\] CVS, had 75 clinics last week, and they have 42 centers remaining, and the residents that they were able to vaccinate were 2,973, and the staff were 2,432
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(continued in stickied comment)
submitted by mr_tyler_durden to Coronavirus_KY [link] [comments]

Notes and Highlights of Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear’s Live Update January 4, 2021

Notes and Highlights of Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear’s Live Update January 4, 2021
Notes by mr_tyler_durden and Daily Update Team
Watch here:
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(continued in stickied comment)
submitted by mr_tyler_durden to Coronavirus_KY [link] [comments]

Make Japan Great Again: Field report from the "Stop the Steal" pro-Trump Rally in Tokyo on 29 November

tl;dr: I attended a pro-Trump "Stop the Steal" rally in Hibiya Tokyo this past weekend, which was well attended by participants from various interest groups and movements which overlap with Trump's policy positions, primary in respect of China/CCP. Takeaways:
  1. The event drew between 300-500 people by my estimation, mostly nationalist Japanese or members of Chinese ethnic minorities who have grievances with the CCP
  2. Trump's positions on China unites these disparate groups, and it appeared that they have an interest in ensuring the continuation of Trump's confrontational tone with China.
  3. The event was well organized, and it seems that there may have been involvement by the Steve Bannon / Guo Wengui "Rule of Law Foundation" based on discarded boxes and shipping labels I found at the rally site.
More fulsome summary below.
Several weeks ago I was scrolling through one of my Japan-related twitter lists that I rely upon for all things Japanese news and politics. Normally full of commentary on the Suga administration’s flailing COVID-19 response or speculation on what the incoming Biden administration means for Japan-US relations, I was very surprised when I saw a large Japanese language digital flyer appear in my feed advertising an apparent pro-Trump “Stop the Steal” rally and demonstration to be held in Tokyo the weekend after Thanksgiving. I was intrigued, but certain this was a joke. A MAGA rally in Japan? To protest the results of the American election? Impossible. Even if this wasn’t a joke and some fringe Japanese conspiracy theorist actually thought the results of the election were still in doubt AND wanted to publicly protest this supposed “injustice”, surely he would be standing out in the cold, alone, spewing his nonsense to entirely disinterested passersby. Nevertheless, the digital flyer seemed somewhat professional and it was clear someone had put time and effort into producing it. The Japanese language on the banner makes many the the same tired, baseless claims that the Trump campaign has been making about the election - that elections in key battleground states were stolen from Trump, that the election should be redone using in-person voting only and that the fake news media was complicit in throwing the election to Biden, etc., etc. ad nauseam.
Curiously, however, the very bottom of the banner provides contact information for one of the demonstration organizers and also mentions that the group organizing the event is the so-called “Party to Protect the People from the Fake Media”, which is is suspiciously similar in name to another Japanese political party, the so-called “Party to Protect the People from NHK”, a legitimate (though fringe) political party in Japan espousing far-right beliefs which was founded on the founder’s seething hatred of NHK, Japan’s gargantuan public broadcaster. I haven’t been able to find much information online about the “Anti-Fake Media” party organizing the Trump rally, but it appears to be affiliated with the “Anti-NHK Party”. By way of background, the Anti-NHK party has gained some limited public support for publicly denouncing NHK’s controversial fee collection scheme. Rather than levy a tax on all citizens to fund the public broadcaster or otherwise allocate government funds, NHK instead obligates any owner of a television set (whether or not it is actually used to watch broadcast television) in Japan to pay the NHK subscription fee directly to the broadcaster. NHK is very aggressive about collecting this fee, and outsources the collection to an agency which is notorious for its coercive methods: representatives go door-to-door to inquire if residents own a TV and the press them to pay the fee. From my American perspective it is a bizarre system, and I can easily see how a political party could leverage populist appeal in opposition to this Orwellian practice. The leader of the party, Takashi Tachibana, is crazy and commonly makes outlandish and racist remarks which get him into fleeting trouble in the press. Last year he famously wondered aloud if the key to solving over-population would be to “massacre races that have babies like idiots”. Just like Trump, he and his party are able to survive these otherwise career-ending remarks and are begrudgingly accepted in the political arena, though they have yet to break into the mainstream in the same way that Trump did in 2016 (and I am doubtful they ever will given the LDP’s iron grip on politics here). Given the populist nature of the Anti-NHK party’s beliefs, I am not surprised that an offshoot of this party like the Anti-Fake Media party has aligned itself with the populist morass of Trumpism and echoed Trump’s hatred of the “mainstream media” to throw more kindle on Japan’s tiny populist fire.
Back to the demonstration itself. Demonstrations in Tokyo are common, and are held for all sorts of fringe political movements (such as Japanese far right nationalists seeking the return of several historically Japanese islands which are currently held by Russia) and other causes (anti-Olympics protests, anti-nuclear power protests, etc.) There was even a small but well-discussed “Black Lives Matter” protest earlier this year, largely attended by expats. These demonstrations typically proceed along a “standard” route through the most well known locations in the capital and are escorted by a heavy police presence. On weekends it is very common to see small groups of demonstrators marching through places like the shopping Meccas of Harajuku and Ginza or near the government nerve center in Kasumigaseki. Most of the time they are easy to ignore as they move quickly and are relatively quiet. The flyer for the Trump demonstration asked attendees to gather at Hibiya Park in central Tokyo at 2:00pm this Sunday (29 November), which is just a stone's throw from the Imperial Palace and many government buildings including the National Diet and the Prime Minister’s Official Residence.
I was still not convinced that this would be a gathering of any significance, but figured I would get to Hibiya Park around 1pm to see and perhaps talk with some of the participants, if they even showed up. After exiting the subway at Kasumigaseki and to my immediate surprise, I was greeted with several groups of older Japanese people wearing Trump’s signature “Make America Great Again” hats also making their way up from the subway station to the park. As we walked further down Kokkai Street near the park, I noticed bright shades of red white and blue of numerous American flags peeking through the leafless brown trees lining the park. It was at that moment that I realized this event was going to be far larger than I imagined and my disbelief really took hold. A MAGA rally in Japan. What on earth. Who ARE these people?! What draws them to Trump? And how can they possibly believe this election is not over? I was determined to find out.
When I arrived at 1:00pm there were approximately 50-100 people setting up large Trump banners, flags and other accoutrements for the rally participants. The crowd was fairly subdued at this point and while there were more people there than I had anticipated, it certainly didn’t come close to the size of other demonstrations I have seen marching through Tokyo before. Nevertheless, it was clear that this event was well organized and there were already several news organizations on the scene filming the preparations and interviewing participants. After some mingling, I was able to discern that many of the people there (at least at first) were not in fact Japanese, but exiled Chinese and Taiwanese who were living in Japan and were affiliated with groups or movements that oppose the CCP such as Falun Gong and the Hong Kong Democracy movements . The Epoch Times (Falun Gong) and overseas Chinese Vision Times, two vocally anti-CCP outlets, had very large press contingents at the event and were interviewing numerous participants. I suspected that the participants who were gathering for this rally appreciated Trump’s antagonism of China and my discussions with a few of them confirmed this: they all had virulent hate for the CCP and appreciated Trump for publicly standing up to the CCP. Ironically though, the humanitarian causes that these Japan MAGA rally participants were supporting - such as Falun Gong, the oppression of the Uighurs in Xinjiang and the Hong Kong Democracy movement - have been generally ignored by Trump or otherwise taken back seat to his administration’s almost singular focus on rebalancing trade deficits with China. I tried to argue with some of them that Biden would be more likely to champion their specific humanitarian causes in discussions with Beijing, but this suggestion was quickly brushed aside. While I can sympathize with many of these oppressed groups and can understand how they came to view Trump favorably, the main underlying theme of rally emphatically was not these causes: it was to give voice to the conspiracy theory that the election had been stolen from Trump. I asked several of the participants why they thought that the election was not yet decided in Biden’s favor and what made them believe the election had been rigged. Not surprisingly, I received canned answers about the process not yet being complete and nebulous claims about voter fraud. When I pressed them on details, none were forthcoming and they were very quick to pivot the discussion to something else or stop talking to me entirely.
As we got closer to 2:00pm, more supporters clad in their best MAGA gear joined the preparation area and began lining up within the park, many holding American flags as well as pro-Trump banners and signs. At this point there were approximately 300-500 participants lined up for the rally, and it had hit a critical mass where it no longer felt like a few fringe conspiracy theorists but instead had the imprimatur of an official, well organized movement. It was also at this time that I noticed many more Japanese joining ranks with the Chinese and Taiwanese (and even some South Korean) protestors. A few of the Japanese protestors I spoke with expressed their dislike of the CCP and other Japanese nationalist / Trump-adjacent beliefs (such as revision of the Japanese constitution to permit a full army) behind their support of Trump. One of the few other Westerners there had come out in support of his Chinese wife, who was a member of one of the anti-CCP groups participating in the rally. There was a wide range of ages represented - some appeared to be young college students, while there were also some young professionals and many elderly. There was also a fairly even distribution between men and women, and I noticed a few children and even some MAGA-adorned dogs. The rally finally started at 3:00pm, led by a loudspeaker on top of a car (adorned with a large pro-Trump banner), that led the crowd of several hundred through Tokyo’s streets to several chants that included “4 More Years!”, “Make Japan Great Again!”, “God Bless Trump” and “Take Down CCP” among many others and Japanese language equivalents. One man in a Trump mask danced along to the chants and raised his fist and waved in true Trumpian style. I watched as the main rally line made its way out of the park, astonished at its size as well as its professional organization: hundreds of American flags, Trump banners and plenty of mobile loudspeakers.
At this point I took closer notice of the MAGA signs and clothing that the protestors had brought with them or were being supplied by the organizers. While some of of these signs and hats were custom made at home (one woman had taped “Trump” on top of a red Hiroshima Carp - a Japanese professional baseball team - baseball cap), quite a few people appeared to have “official” Make America Great Again / Keep America Great hats, t-shirts and signage from the official campaign. As one can imagine, these items are not typically sold in Japan and I do not believe the official Trump campaign website store allows shipments outside of the United States. Where did they get them? I had enough trouble trying to buy and have shipped to Japan a Joe Biden t-shirt (I had to have sent to my sister in the US first before forwarding it to Japan), that I can’t imagine these Japanese MAGA supporters navigating the same American based e-commerce ecosystem to procure their election goods. I suppose these could have come from Amazon or elsewhere on the internet, but there was such a large number of these - very new looking - hats and signs that the more likely explanation was that one of the organizers had imported these from the United States and distributed them to the protestors.
With the demonstrators now off to assault Tokyo with MAGA conspiracies over loudspeaker, I decided to wander back to the initial organization location in Hibiya Park. At this point there were only several park staff members who were holding a debrief and gathering some of the waste left behind by the protestors. I noticed that there was a large collection of cardboard boxes near to where the the flags and signs had been distributed, and began perusing through these remains for any hints about where these items may have come from. Most of the boxes and packaging had been destroyed or contained no identifying marks, but I noticed one box had DHL branding, which made it stand out. Upon closer inspection, I saw that the shipping label had not been fully removed, and the name and address of “The Rule of Law Foundation” in New York City could clearly be seen on the shipping label. I took a picture of the label, but was spotted by one of the few straggling organizers who noticed me rummaging through their trash and came over to chase me away. A quick google search of “The Rule of Law Foundation” brings you to the website of Guo Wengui, a billionaire political exile from China who has been a vocal critic of the CCP and the primary benefactor for Steve Bannon’s most recent agit-prop initiatives: Earlier this year, Steve Bannon was famously arrested on Guo’s luxury yacht off the coast of Connecticut on fraud charges. Further research shows that Guo and Bannon are also behind the “New Federal State of China”, a supposed Chinese government in exile: I had noticed the Federal State of China flag at the rally earlier (a blue flag with intersecting yellow star ovals, similar to the EU flag) but did not understand its significance at the time. No one I spoke to at the rally had mentioned the Rule of Law Foundation, Guo Wengui or Steve Bannon, but it was apparent that this group played a significant role behind the scenes organizing this rally by bringing together other political groups with common cause (the Anti-NHK crowd, the pro-Tibet Chinese, Falun Gong and others), likely also providing financing and a large cache of MAGA goods. I would not be surprised if Bannon and the gang decided to astroturf this MAGA rally in Japan as one of the latest salvos in the campaign's futile efforts to overturn the election. This would provide other Trump lackeys such as Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis with “evidence” that there is a global movement in support of Trump’s claims as part of their laughable attempts to be taken seriously back in the US. It’s also in Bannon’s best interests to do all that he can to come back into the President’s good graces before 20 January in the hopes of securing a pardon in his pending fraud case.
The crowd was certainly large enough to cause a stir, but the Japanese press and government may be wary of giving this movement oxygen as it tries to navigate relations with the new Biden administration.
Still absolutely floored at how big this became. At least everyone wore masks?
Video I created from the rally, using a Japanese version of the Trump rally signature anthem, “Fortunate Son” by Creedence Clearwater Revival:
Link to imgur album with photos, including of the Guo / Bannon shipping label:
submitted by harpn545 to japan [link] [comments]

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